The Determining Factors of Command Center Contractors

Dec 15, 17 The Determining Factors of Command Center Contractors

Posted by in Business Services, Technology

Summary: Finding the right contractor for a command center is dependent on not just one factor but a wide array of them. One of the most crucial aspects of building a command center from the ground up is hiring the right contractor that offers his services at the right price. Additionally, you’ll also want to ensure that his experience within the field far surpasses other companies that you can find at a cheaper rate. As the saying goes: you get what you pay for. Reputation One common misconception that people tend to believe is that you can only find reviews on the Internet. Well, this is true as most people like to look online for any reviews they can find before they hire the contractor, or company. However, you can also contact the contractor directly and ask him for references from companies or other professionals that he’s worked with. If the contractor specializes in only video wall systems for example, and you’re looking for an entire reconstruction of your command center, it’d be wise to seek out additional contractors to handle the other aspects as you might not get what you’re looking for. Check the Website Most contractors tend to obtain work based on word of mouth or just by simply advertising themselves. There are those in some cases that have websites up and running for clients to look at. If they do have it, check their portfolio and jot down a list of clients that the contractor has worked with. You can go as far as to call the previous companies that the company’s worked with and determine the pros and cons. For instance, say you’re look at and you wanted to know how their previous projects were when it came to the framework. You’d go ahead and look at their past clients that they’ve worked with and reach out to them if you can. It never hurts to try and ask how the service was and whether or not it’s worth...

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How Bluetooth Technology is Spurring the Growth of Mobile Apps, Digital Wallets, and More

Nov 09, 17 How Bluetooth Technology is Spurring the Growth of Mobile Apps, Digital Wallets, and More

Posted by in Business Services, Mobile, Technology

Summary: The power of Bluetooth technology is expanding further than anyone imagined, and could start playing a huge role in mobile payment processing. Ever since Apple decided to part ways with the headphone jack and instead opt for their Lightning connector, it was met with much criticism at the get-go. However, due to this, there has been much speculation that wired peripherals were heading out the door in favor of newer technologies. Companies like Samsung and Apple are two of the growing number of smartphone manufacturers that are beginning to utilize Bluetooth technology to drive their technology. Before you know it, Bluetooth will become a force that affects everything from how one listens to music to even purchasing items through a mobile app. Bluetooth Accessories It’s already been made possible to transfer money digitally via Bluetooth. Now, merchants were slow to use this technology primarily because it’s expensive to make the switch. However, after the necessary adjustments were made, along with the rise of smartphones over the years, Bluetooth technology is really starting to pick up steam. It’s paved the way for a wide array of peripheral devices including mobile payment systems and card readers. Bluetooth and WiFi are two devices that work well within the restaurant and retail sector. By utilizing two devices in-sync with each other, an order can be taken from a restaurant, for example, and the other can process the payment. By working in tandem with one another, the entire process is expedited. The possibilities are endless, and with the power of Bluetooth leading the way, it’ll only get better from here. The Rise of Digital Wallets Another payment vehicle that’s also doubling down on Bluetooth technology is the digital wallet. By utilizing this technology, it’ll help the wallet make the payment to a retailer, restaurant or other sector. Additionally, these digital wallets are starting to accept a growing number of currencies all around the world – hence it’s exponential growth. Don’t rule out the idea of travelers only carrying...

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The Rise of Automation Within the Aviation Industry

Oct 16, 17 The Rise of Automation Within the Aviation Industry

Posted by in Manufacturing, Technology

Summary: With such a dramatic shift towards automation within a variety of industries, how does this affect the field of aviation as many know it today. Nowadays, automation is being prioritized over time. Aviation requires sophisticated computer programs that are able to manage a large number of aircraft systems that assist pilots in their flights by adjusting autopilot limitations for example. In the future, it wouldn’t be necessarily surprising to see automation becoming more and more common to minimize human error. However, the downside to this is that it would require flawless programs as computer errors can lead to catastrophic events in the case of a simple miscalculation or error – which is why humans and machines coexist and work interdependently. Maintenance and Flight Also, the communication between the pilot and computer systems may be increased as software development continues to improve. Certain planes have computer warnings that appear in a special format that the first officer must decipher. Rather than going through this trouble, an optimized system may utilize a different approach that focuses on simple warnings that are much easier to understand. It can also play a large role in the maintenance area as well. For instance, if aircraft maintenance equipment were needed in a certain area, an automated response could be provided to the maintenance team to notify them of this event. Orders and Processing Furthermore, there is a potential to see a dramatic increase in automation within the orders and processing unit of a company itself. For example, if a company were to receive a large shipment of power supplies and other types of equipment, the designated system would automatically direct the cargo truck to the appropriate warehouse or loading dock. It can also assist the company in managing each order as it comes in and goes out. Blog submitted by Start Pac: For aircraft maintenance equipment such as 24 volt power supply units, turbine starting equipment, and more, visit the experts at Start Pac...

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Why Keeping Your Security Software Up-To-Date is Crucial

Sep 22, 17 Why Keeping Your Security Software Up-To-Date is Crucial

Posted by in Business Services, Technology

Summary: In order to negate the effects of malware and viruses, you’ll need to keep your security software up-to-date as often as possible. In the case of computer software, and certainly internet security software, technology plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety of your computer. Now, with the rapid advancement in technology, this has become an even more glaring issue as new malware and viruses are constantly being developed to haunt PC owners everywhere. Minimizing the Damage Done by Malware Not everyone has the luxury of resorting to a series of mission critical consoles to ward off the sting of hackers and online hooligans. However, by properly updating your security software, you can potentially minimize the damage done by these individuals. Ignoring this can have serious consequences. Now, once loaded, your security software is only as good as the information available in regards to that patch. For instance, if a hundred new viruses were to come out in the month of February and the last patch that your current security software was released in January, those one hundred viruses could walk right by your computer’s defenses without a trace. And, while you’re browsing the web thinking your software has you covered, you’re actually walking through a minefield without even knowing. Updating Your Software is Key to Keeping Your PC Clean Be sure to always maintain and update your security software as frequently as possible. Most programs will automatically update once a new patch goes live. But, there is the chance that you have to manually click the update button in order to get started. And, if you continue to wait on this, you could essentially be facing the wrath of a new virus that can steal your information, take over your computer or just simply be a nuisance. The experts over at Constant Technologies, Inc., a custom control center furniture company, believes the best defensive strategy you can take to a virus is staying on top of the latest security...

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How to Make Your Smartphone Battery Last Longer Than Normal

Aug 22, 17 How to Make Your Smartphone Battery Last Longer Than Normal

Posted by in Mobile, Technology

Summary: To give your battery that extra boost, follow these tips. One of the greatest things about having a smartphone is the fact that it can practically do anything – until it runs out of battery. What makes matters worse is that most smartphone users today will tend to overcharge their battery and even do this multiple times throughout the day even when the battery isn’t at its low point. In order to maximize the life of your smartphone battery, follow these steps. Pay Attention to Charging Cycles Cell phone batteries won’t last forever. They aren’t designed to either. Companies won’t provide you with a battery that’ll work until the end of the time because, let’s be honest, how would they continue to make money on accessories if they did? One of the more important things you can do is to pay attention to your charging cycles. While it might be a bit inconvenient for you, try and charge your battery only when it’s extremely low. If you can, let it charge all the way to 100 percent, or maximum charge. This way, you won’t start harming your battery and letting it die out over time. Turn Off Unused Apps Just by reading this headline, you’re probably already running multiple apps in the background. If they’re not in use, why keep them open? They’re only working against you and draining your battery as you keep your phone running. Furthermore, some of these apps might even utilize location services that activate a GPS system, which is draining your battery even more. Blog submitted by Constant Technologies, Inc.: For the finest network operations center video wall systems, visit for more...

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How Console Systems and Furniture Pieces are Keeping Up With the Times

Jun 26, 17 How Console Systems and Furniture Pieces are Keeping Up With the Times

Posted by in Business Services, Technology

Summary: The advancement in technology has led to significant changes in console construction. Console systems have significantly evolved over the past decade to accommodate all the new and exciting technologies. A much simpler and more streamlined console system is now possible because of fewer appliance and the utilization of racks to essentially hide excess components. Console Developments The design process of a console system requires the company to invest a significant amount of time analyzing and understanding the customer’s needs. For instance, what is the functionality of the system? Is there an emergency operations center design that needs to be prioritized? What equipment is going to go into the console? Furniture systems need to be designed to address day-to-day operational tasks and maintain the flexibility to accommodate extra operators when it comes to a crisis situation. While technology will change in the upcoming years, consoles will usually stay in place for over a decade – and most people overlook this. Constant Technologies, Inc. an established global solutions company, integrates customized display wall solutions and technology furniture from the floor up to meet your needs and specifications. Ergonomics Additionally, there are other factors to consider when designing consoles – such as the human factor. The ergonomics of console design plays a crucial role in the comfort and health of the operator. The primary monitor should be placed in a relaxed position to avoid neck and eye strain. When an operator looks downwards, his or her eyelids are partially shut, avoiding dry eyes over long periods of...

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